Boh... mio padre lavorava 8 ore al giorno, faceva ginnastica la mattina appena sveglio, andava a giocare a calcio il sabato o la domenica, portava me e mio fratello in giro con le bici e a fare passeggiate nei boschi con nostra madre. E tante altre cose. Fra cui studiare filosofia, algebra, greco antico e teologia. Non faceva tutte queste cose contemporaneamente, certo. Alternava lo studio del greco a quello della filosofia, per esempio. Ma ci siamo intesi. Io sto perdendo ogni volonta' di fare, studiare, o impegnarmi in qualsivoglia attivita'. Lui non aveva internet.
I don't know... my father used to worked 8 hours per day, to do gym in the early morning, to play football on the weekend, to take me and my brother out with the bicycles, and to walk in the woods with my mother. And many more things, like studying philosophy, algebra, Ancient Greek, and theology. He didn't do everything together, of course. He alternated Ancient Greek with philosophy, for example. Well, you've got it. Instead, I'm losing any will to do, study, or to be committed to anything. But he didn't have the internet.
I don't know... my father used to worked 8 hours per day, to do gym in the early morning, to play football on the weekend, to take me and my brother out with the bicycles, and to walk in the woods with my mother. And many more things, like studying philosophy, algebra, Ancient Greek, and theology. He didn't do everything together, of course. He alternated Ancient Greek with philosophy, for example. Well, you've got it. Instead, I'm losing any will to do, study, or to be committed to anything. But he didn't have the internet.
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