Sunday 14 February 2021

Post-Modern Middle Ages


Imagine leaving in a new Middle Age, in a time when a few lords have set aside a huge wealth dodging tax due to their sovereign and used such wealth to build their own small kingdoms. Exactly as it happened around the X century in Western Europe whit the phenomenon called “Signorie” (Lordships). The Lordships had their own army, their own judicial system, their own taxation and so on, as then as today. Practically, a form of governing authority.

Now, imagine these lordships becoming so powerful and extended that they can’t share their dominions with any other governing authority dissimilar in nature (e.g. national governments). Cohabitation is impossible, one of them must go. And it means war.

It is a strive for power, which becomes soon a war for life, because the defeated will not be allowed to survive as it is now. But while the Neo-Lordships have a clear target, which is their economic growth and in consequent power, thus acting without hesitation towards their aims, the national government are a bulky structure, made up of many different parts often in open competition among them, representing different groups and different interests. Paradoxically, representing also the Neo-Lordships which want to destroy them.

The Neo-Lordships have other advantages on their opponents. First of all, they do not want build anything. All they want and need is to destroy the existing status and prevent any actions against their power. Second, one can’t put them in a single box. Their natures and composition are variegated, often intertwined to each other to the point that even destroying one of them will not affect the power behind it. Some have born out of economical enterprises; others have the bureaucratic origin of supernational apparatus like the European Union and the WHO. It is really hard to fight an enemy you can’t properly see. Third, they have no links to a physical territory like the national governments have. The free movement of capitals, the share market, have made such discorporation possible. There is not a head quarter to hit.

In the Middle Ages it was use to ravage the enemy’s countryside to weaken its strength; in modern warfare it was bombing the enemy’s industrial apparatus. The present equivalent of those tactics is to break up the very base of the enemy. And what is the best way of damaging a national government than disaggregate the society it is founded on? The attack to a nation’s economy is part of the strategy but not the final target, and the lockdowns imposed by a part of the governments on mandate and with the help of the Neo-Lordships are just the last of a long string of attacks our societies have endured recently. The Neo-Lordships have driven their attacks using their private armies (BLM, Antifa, Rebellion Extinction); infecting the education systems through a self-radicalizing political left which devoted itself to the destruction of all those moral values they repute bigot (that is, all the moral values our societies are built on); using their henchmen in the mass media and NGOs to spread fear and ideologies based on mistrust. Surely not on purpose, but they have created even a new religion, coalescing all those people previously driven away from the organized religions but too poor of spirit to have their own spirituality. A brainless mass worshipping an autistic little girl 5 minutes ago and then devoting body and soul to “The Science”, but only that science legitimated by the priests anointed by the mass media. A fanatic mass refusing even to look at any scientific data which haven’t received the legitimization of the anointed priests, not to speak of any discussion and dialogue which is not them lecturing you.

Most of the national governments (that part which is not on the Neo-Lordships payroll) are not able to react effectively or even to react at all, paralyzed by their nature itself. It is exemplary that the only governments worldwide able to tackle the WHO’s encroaching in national politics have been those labelled as autocratic: China, Belarus, Russia, and few others. But what could a government do to retaliate against the Neo-Lordship? Any strike against the power of the Neo-Lordship would damage the national economy too. How to tackle the mayhem waged upon us if the judiciary system supposed to impose the rules is benefitting from the mayhem itself? What can we do, when the majority of the people around us, even those who haven’t been radicalized yet, is simply refusing to open their eyes and use their own intellect to discern which ones of the information we receive daily make sense from those which don’t make sense at all?

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