Sunday 9 December 2012


Londra e' la citta' distopica per eccellenza, la Berlino di cui cantava Edoardo Bennato. Poche foto per mostrare un poco di cio' che le sue mille luci servono a nascondere. Non che tutta Londra, eccettuata la parte riservata ai turisti, sia cosi'. Ma lo e' la maggior parte. Sembra di essere in un romanzo di fantascienza, dove le ultime innovazioni tecnologiche sono affiancate a tecniche ed attrezzi ormai chiaramente datati e non efficienti.

London is the very dystopian city, the Berlin which was sang by the Italian singer Edoardo Bennato. Few photos to show what London's thousand lights hide. Not the whole of London is so, but it's mostly like that. It seems to be in a sci-fi novel, in which last technological innovations are aside to techniques and tools clearly dated and inefficient.

Photos taken in a 3 years old flat. 

It doesn't matter how much expensive the house is.
Building is always a scrap.

Most part of people don't understand what hygiene means.
Dishes are not properly cleaned 
or the soap washed away

The floor on which clothes are laid is dirty.

Milk stored outside in the sun: 
don't trust Indian and Pakistan shops for soft goods.

It came out from the kettle...

It's normal even this!!!

Cat hair on curtain. Why don't you clean it up sometimes?

Shall I teach you how eating spaghetti?
You can't use a knife, please...

Images from everyday's life

And finally. I took the following photos at a museum (Guildhall Art Gallery).

I checked "Secutor" translation, but I couldn't find any translation in "seeker". 
The most appropriated is "follower", from sequor "I follow, come or go after". 
The ignorance, even among who work in a museum and to fit an exhibition out, is shameful.

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