Sunday, 8 September 2013


Sometimes, when I declare, for any reason, that I don't mean to stay in UK for all my life, that even I mean to leave as soon as possible, people ask me where I would like to move. The question is not just if I want to go back to Italy, since I often made clear that too many things are wrong in Italy to let me back to my home.
If in a not so far past time the answer was quite sure, it's not the same now. I miss my mountains, but still I despise the Italian sloth about politic, social sphere and common welfare. But there's something which continually try to drag me southwards.

Bianco e azzurro sei 
White and azure you are
con le isole che stanno lì 
whit the islands staying over there
le rocce e il mare 
the rocks and the sea
coi gabbiani 
the seagulls
Mediterraneo da vedere 
Mediterraneo to see
con le arance 
whit the oranges
Mediterraneo da mangiare 
Mediterraneo to eat
La montagna là 
The mountain there
e la strada che piano vien giù 
and the road which slowly climbs down
tra i pini e il sole 
among the pine trees and the sun
un paese 
a village
Mediterraneo da scoprire 
Mediterraneo to discover
con le chiese 
whit the cathedrals
Mediterraneo da pregare 
Mediterraneo to worship

Siedi qui 
Sit here
e getta lo sguardo giù 
and cast a glance down
tra gli ulivi 
among the olive trees
l'acqua è scura quasi blu 
the water is dark, almost blue
e lassù 
and up there
vola un falco lassù 
a hawk flies up there
sembra guardi noi 
it seems looking at us
fermi così 
we so still
grandi come mai 
we as big as we've never been
guarda là 
look there
quella nuvola che va 
that cloud which goes
vola già 
it just flies
dentro nell'eternità 
into eternity
Quella lunga scia 
That long wake
della gente in silenzio per via 
of people silently on the road
che prega piano 
who quietly pray
sotto il sole 
under the sun
Mediterraneo da soffrire 
Mediterraneo to suffer
sotto il sole 
under the sun
Mediterraneo per morire 
Mediterraneo to die
Siedi qui 
Sit here
e lasciati andar così 
and let you go in this way
lascia che 
entri il sole dentro te 
the sun gets into you
e respira 
and breath
tutta l'aria che puoi 
all the air you can
i profumi che 
the scents which
senti anche tu 
you feel too
sparsi intorno a noi 
spread around us
guarda là 
look there
quella nuvola che va 
that cloud which goes
vola già 
it just flies
dentro nell'eternità
into eternity

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